ND Filters

07 April 2024 - Gear and Accessories - Comment -

Neutral Density (ND) Filters are optical filters used in photography and videography to reduce the amount of light entering the lens, without altering the color of the scene. ND filters are particularly useful when shooting in bright light conditions or when you want to use longer shutter speeds or larger apertures than would be possible without overexposing the image.

Types of ND Filters

1. Fixed ND Filters:
- These filters reduce light by a set number of stops (e.g., ND2, ND4, ND8, ND16).
- The "ND" number refers to how much light is being reduced. For example, ND2 reduces light by one stop, ND4 by two stops, and so on.
- Fixed ND filters are simple to use and usually come in specific strengths.

2. Variable ND Filters:
- These filters allow for an adjustable reduction in light, typically with a range (e.g., ND2 to ND400).
- They consist of two polarizing layers that can be rotated to adjust the density, offering greater flexibility in adjusting exposure.

Key Benefits of ND Filters

1. Control Over Exposure:
- ND filters allow you to use wider apertures (e.g., f/1.4 or f/2.8) even in bright light, achieving shallow depth of field for a more artistic bokeh effect.
- They also enable slower shutter speeds, which can be used for creative effects such as smooth, flowing water or motion blur in subjects like crowds or vehicles.

2. Shooting in Bright Conditions:
- In bright sunlight or when using high ISO settings, an ND filter lets you maintain proper exposure without needing to adjust your other settings too much (like lowering ISO or increasing shutter speed).

3. Better Control in Video:
- ND filters are invaluable in video work, where maintaining a proper shutter speed (typically double the frame rate) is important for realistic motion. ND filters allow you to control exposure while keeping shutter speed within the ideal range.

Common Uses of ND Filters

1. Long Exposure Photography:
When photographing landscapes, waterfalls, or rivers, ND filters allow you to use slow shutter speeds in daylight, blurring movement like water, clouds, or people, while maintaining proper exposure.

2. Portrait Photography:
To achieve a shallow depth of field (blurry background) in bright daylight, an ND filter helps you open up the aperture without overexposing the shot.

3. Videography:
ND filters help videographers achieve the correct shutter speed (often 1/50th for 24 fps), which can be tricky in bright environments. The filter reduces light while allowing you to keep the shutter speed ideal for cinematic footage.


1. Image Quality:
Lower-quality ND filters can introduce color casts or degrade sharpness. Higher-quality filters, like those made of optical glass or with multi-coating, reduce these issues.

2. Effect on Autofocus:
Some ND filters, especially those with very dark densities, may affect autofocus performance. It's often better to focus before attaching the filter or use manual focus.

3. Vignetting:
Wide-angle lenses may experience vignetting (darkened corners) with thicker ND filters or when using certain brands of filters. Thin, high-quality filters and larger filter diameters can help minimize this effect. Vignetting can also occur when filters are stacked on a wide-angle lens.

Choosing an ND Filter

  1. Strength/Stop Reduction: Choose based on your need to control exposure. If you want a very shallow depth of field in bright light, an ND8 or ND16 might be sufficient. For long-exposure shots in daylight, you may need a stronger filter like ND1000 or ND2000.
  2. Size: Make sure the filter diameter matches the lens you intend to use it with. Alternatively, if you have multiple lenses, you can opt for a larger size and use step-up rings to fit it on smaller lenses.
  3. Material/Coating: Higher-quality ND filters use optical glass with multi-coatings that reduce reflections, improve light transmission, and minimize color shift.

Example ND Filter Strengths:

  • ND2: Reduces light by one stop.
  • ND4: Reduces light by two stops.
  • ND8: Reduces light by three stops.
  • ND1000: Reduces light by 10 stops, great for very long exposures.
  • ND4000 and ND10000: Even stronger reductions for extreme long-exposure photography (e.g., capturing daytime star trails).

In summary, ND filters are powerful tools for gaining creative control over exposure, achieving artistic effects, and managing light in bright conditions. Whether you're a photographer or videographer, understanding how to choose and use ND filters can greatly enhance your ability to capture the desired image in challenging lighting situations. 

My own experience with filters 

There is much less mystery to filters than what most people generally believe, and I do advise from my own experience that a 10-stop nd and CPL are all you need to purchase for most creative landscape photography work. A quality 10-stop ND (neutral density) and a CPL (circular polarizer) cover a lot of ground and provide a huge amount of creative flexibility. Both the circular polarizer (CPL) and the 10-stop ND filter are incredibly practical tools for photographers, each serving a specific and useful purpose:

A 10-stop ND gives you the ability to shoot at slower shutter speeds in bright conditions, which is great for creating long-exposure effects like smooth water or motion blur in clouds, even in daylight. It's one of those filters that really opens up a lot of creative possibilities without requiring a ton of extra gear.

A CPL, on the other hand, is fantastic for controlling reflections, enhancing color saturation, and deepening blue skies. It's also useful for managing glare off water, glass, or wet surfaces—so it's a great tool for landscape and travel photography, where reflections are common. I use this so much that many times I just keep it on my lens.

Together, these two filters let you manage light exposure and tweak contrast, all while giving you more control over your final image. They’re both simple, effective tools that do the job without adding unnecessary complexity nor extra gear.

1. Circular Polarizer (CPL) Filter

A CPL filter is one of the most (if not the most) versatile filters you can use. It works by reducing reflections and glare from non-metallic surfaces (like water, glass, or wet pavement) and enhancing colors, particularly in skies and foliage. Here's what it does:
  1. Reduce glare: Eliminates reflections from water, windows, and other shiny surfaces, allowing you to see through them.
  2. Enhance color saturation: Makes the sky bluer, clouds whiter, and greens more vivid, which is great for landscapes.
  3. Improve contrast: Deepens contrast between the sky and clouds, making dramatic skies more striking.

The CPL filter is typically mounted to the front of the lens and can be rotated to adjust the effect. One key thing to remember is that its impact is strongest when the sun is at a 90-degree angle to the lens.

2. 10-Stop ND (Neutral Density) Filter 

A 10-stop ND filter is a powerful tool used to dramatically reduce the amount of light entering the lens, allowing you to use much slower shutter speeds or wider apertures in bright conditions. This opens up many creative possibilities, particularly in situations like:

  1. Long exposure photography: You can achieve silky smooth effects with waterfalls, rivers, and ocean waves by using slower shutter speeds.
  2. Wide apertures in bright light: The ND filter lets you use wider apertures (e.g., f/1.4, f/2.8) for a shallow depth of field even in daylight.
  3. Motion blur: It's great for creating motion blur in scenes with moving elements like people or traffic.

A 10-stop ND filter can darken an image so much that you may need to use a tripod or some other method of stabilization to avoid camera shake while working with those long exposure times. Be sure to check out my blog on why a 10-stop ND is really the only neutral density filter you need. 

Practical Use:
  • Landscapes and Nature Photography: A CPL is ideal for bright, sunny days when you want to make the most of your landscape shots. The ND filter is perfect when you want to create those dreamy, soft-water effects in daylight or shoot at very wide apertures to isolate subjects.
  • Street and Architectural Photography: If you're dealing with reflections or trying to make buildings pop against a clear sky, the CPL can help. For architectural shots with people moving around, an ND filter will let you blur their movement and add a dynamic element to your composition.
  • Both filters can often be used together to enhance an image. For instance, a CPL can be combined with a ND filter when shooting a scene with both reflections and a need for a long exposure (like a waterfall with bright skies).

Please leave your comments. How do you use your filters effectively in certain shooting scenarios?

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